Terms and Conditions


This Terms and Conditions applied between User (“User” or “You”) and PT Edukita Budaya Cinta Belajar (“Edukita”) when User accesses or uses the application, website https://edukita.com, as well as every feature, technology, content and product that have been provided by Edukita (hereinafter, collectively will be referred as “Platform”).

The User is deemed to have read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy as determined by Edukita, which is a legally binding agreement between You and Edukita.

By using the Platform, the User and/or the User’s parents or guardians (if You are under 18 years old) (as applicable) deemed to have agreed, read, understood, approved and subject to these Terms and Conditions and Edukita’s Privacy Policy. If You do not agree with these Terms and Conditions and Edukita’s Privacy Policy, then please immediately stop User’s access and use of the Platform.

These Terms and Conditions can be changed, modified, supplemented, or amended from time to time based on Edukita’s policy by giving advance notice to the User. The User promises to periodically review any changes that occur in these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy on the Platform. User’s continued use of the Platform after the date on which the changed, modified, added or amended Terms and Conditions are notified constitutes User’s agreement and acceptance to be bound by the changes of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.


By creating an account on the Platform:

  1. You must be at least 18 (eighteen) years old or married and not under guardianship (“Legal Age”), which means that You legally have the capacity and rights to be bound to these Terms and Conditions.If the User is under the Legal Age, then User’s actions in registering, accessing, using and carriying out activities on the Platform must be under the knowledge, supervision and legal approval of the User’s parent or guardian and therefore User’s parent or guardian will be fully responsible for any and all of User’s actions on the Platform, as regulated in The Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation Number 20 of 2016 regarding Personal Data Protection in Electronic Systems.
  2. You agree to represent and warrant that all information provided by You during the registration process are accurate, complete and up-to-date.

The User hereby guarantees the correctness of the data, information and signature given to Edukita at the time of the opening of the account and therefore, User gives Edukita a waiver of responsibility for all risk that may arise in the future related to User’s violation of these provisions.

Security and confidentiality of User’s account, including all personal data that You provided to Edukita through registration form on the Platform, shall fully be User’s responsibility. All losses and risks that arise or in connection with User’s negligence to maintain the security and confidentiality of User’s account are borne by the User and/or User’s parent or guardian (for User falling under the Legal Age). Accordingly, Edukita will consider any use or order made through User’s account as a legitimate request from You.


If the User has an account on the Platform, then You are fully responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of User’s account and data, including but not limited to phone number, email and password and You are fully responsible for all content uploaded and any activities concerning User’s Account.

The User’s Account can only be used by You, it can not be transferred to another person for any reason. Edukita reserve the right to refuse to facilitate if Edukita recognizes or has sufficient reason to suspect that You have transferred or allowed the User’s account to be used by someone else.

The safety and confidentiality of User’s Account, including registered name, registered electronic mail address, registered mobile phone number, payment details and other data and/or information are fully under the User’s responsibility. All losses and risks that arise due to User’s negligence in maintaining security and confidentiality as stated are borne by the User and/or parent or guardian. Accordingly, Edukita will consider any use or order made through User’s account as a legitimate request from You. Therefore, the User is fully responsible for the access of the account and releases Edukita from all lawsuits due to misuse of the account.


Please notify Edukita immediately if You know or suspect that the User’s account has been used without the User’s knowledge and consent. Edukita will take any actions that Edukita deems necessary in relation to the account use without such consent.


The collection, storage, process, use and disclosure of User’s personal information, such as name, electronic mail and mobile phone (“Personal Data”) that You provide when You open an account is subject to the Privacy Policy, which is an inseperable part from these Terms and Conditions.


You acknowledge and agree that the Platform, including but not limited to all materials and contents contained on the Platform, names, logos, program codes, designs, trademarks, technologies, databases, processes and business models, are protected by copyright, marks, patents, moral rights and other intelectual property rights are owned by and legally registered with an authorized goverment instituition on behalf of Edukita. The use of content on the Platform is subject to and refers to these Terms and Conditions. Contents, pictures, sounds and videos on the Platform can only be used as is without any changes, for personal and non-commercial use. It is forbidden to download and other uses that violate these Terms and Conditions.


The use of Platform with all the risks that may occur are fully the sole responsibility of the User, or parent or guardian of the User (For User falling under the Legal Age). The materials and content herein are provided as it is and as provided without any guarantee including guarantee related to trade, sale and purchase, or any other specific uses. There is no guarantee that the access to the Platform will always be free of interruption or error-free and any result that generated therefrom. The User hereby releases Edukita from all forms of responsibility for any loss and/or risk that occurs either directly or indirectly from the use of the Plaftorm caused by any disturbance, damage, delay in operation or transmission, delay in data delivery, state of equipment, non-functioning system or transactions, computer viruses, malfunctions of communication networks, software, providers of information usage.


Edukita is commited to maintain the security and confidentiality of the Personal Data provided by the User when accessing and using the Platform. In this matter, the Personal Data are submitted by the User consciously and without any pressure nor duress from any party and is fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Personal Data. Further information related to privacy security can be seen in the Privacy Policy section.

You hereby represent that You have read and fully understand the content and consequences of Edukita’s Privacy Policy and You irrevocably agree and accept to be bound by the terms of Edukita’s Privacy Policy.


Edukita is entitled to conduct developments, modifications and/or adjustments to the content and services of the Platform regularly or for a certain period of time, with or without prior notification to the User.


By using the Platform, You accept full responsibility that the User’s use of or access to the Platform does not violate the applicable laws and regulations. To enforce these provisions, Edukita reserves the right to refuse membership or suspend or terminate User’s account immediately and without prior notice at Edukita’s sole discretion.


When using the Platform, You agree not to or attemp to:

  1. use the Platform in any way violating any applicable local, national, or international laws and regulations;
  2. provide false, inaccurate, misleading and incomplete informations or documents;
  3. Create, change, modify, procure and/or upload informations or documents that are false, inapproriate, misleading and inaccurate on or through the Platform;
  4. in any manner use the Platform or any content therein in an unlawful, offensive, threatening, immoral, racist, deceptive, violates the rights of any third parties and/or violates norms of propriety;
  5. transmit, transfer, or otherwise disseminate any false, misleading, fraudulent, or illegal communications or documents;
  6. impersonate another user or any other party;
  7. unlawfully access another User’s account without permission, rights, or authority;
  8. make a copy, modify, distribute, an/or transmit any documents or informations stored on the Platform without the rights, authorities and capacities from the legal owners or authorized parties;
  9. violate intelectual property rights (e.g.: copyright, patents, trademarks, etc.) belong to Edukita or any other third parties;
  10. upload any viruses, documents and/or any data that are infected by virus and/or malware that can harm or interfere with the Platform;
  11. interfere with or disrupting the operation of the Platform or servers or networks connected to the Platform, including installing, sending, transmitting, uploading, or providing any material that contain software viruses, worms or computer codes, files, or other programs designed to interfere, destory or limit the use of computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
  12. creating a mirror of the Platform or any part of the Platform, or systematically download and store any content contained on the Platform;
  13. violate these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy of Edukita, including its amandments and/or addition; and
  14. decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the content on the Platform.


You understand and agree that Edukita has the rights, at Edukita’s sole discretion, to suspend, terminate, or close User’s account on the Platform for any reason and at any time without prior notice to You and/or prior consent from You. Edukita may suspend, terminate, or close User’s account on the Platform under certain conditions, including but not limited to (i) a violation of these Terms and Conditions, (ii) an indication of violation of the applicable laws and regulations, (iii) indication of violation of the intelectual property rights of Edukita or any third parties and (iv) based on User’s request to Edukita.


You have full responsibility for any losses and/or claims that arise from the use of the Platform through User’s account, whether by the User or another parties using the User’s account, in any manner contradictory to these Terms of Use, applicable laws and regulations, violation of intelectual property rights and/or other activities that may harm the public and/or any other party or which may or considered would violate Edukita’s reputation. 

Edukita does not guarantee that the Platform will be secure or clear from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for managing the information technology, computer programs and platforms You use to access Edukita’s Platform. You shall use a personal anti-virus software.


These Terms and Conditions are regulated under and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Indonesia. You agree that any and all disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions (“Disputes“) will be endeavored to be resolved amicably within 60 (sixty) working days. In the event that amicable settlement fails within that time period, You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the District Courts of South Jakarta. User’s submission to such jurisdiction will not (and will not be construed as) limit Edukita’s right to initiate legal action or legal proceedings relating to the Dispute before or with any other district court or court in any jurisdiction, either simultaneously or separately, as permitted by applicable law and as determined by Edukita on Edukita’s sole discretion.


Edukita’s failure to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions does not constitute a waiver of Edukita’s right to enforce such provisions in the future. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Use is found to be unenforceable, then the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and enforceable and such unenforceable provisions will be substituted to reflect Edukita’s intent as closely as possible. You may not assign User’s rights under these Terms and Conditions and any attempt to do so will be void.

Edukita may assign its rights to Edukita’s affiliates or subsidiaries, or to any successor in interest of any business associated to Edukita’s services.


Platform could be disturbed by events beyond the authority or control of Edukita (“Force Majeure”), including but not limited to natural disasters (earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruption, flood, drought and landslide), epidemic of a disease, fire, industrial dispute, mass strikes, civil wars, rebellions, power struggles, wars with other countries, terrorism and/or network and/or computer malfunctions caused by public power failure or other reasons beyond Edukita’s control. You have agreed to release Edukita from any charges and responsibility, if Edukita can not facilitate the service, including to fulfill the instructions that You give through the Platform, whether partially and completely, due to a Force Majeure event.


If You have any quiries regarding these Terms and Conditions or You want to gain access and/or make an amendment to User’s Personal Data, please contact Edukita at +62-813-1888-5507

English For Adults:
Casual English

Melalui program ini, Anda dapat melatih:

  • Keterampilan komunikasi sehari-hari dengan Bahasa Inggris
  • Berbincang mengenai topik sehari-hari yang menarik
  • Berlatih mengekspresikan ide dengan cara yang interaktif dan menyenangkan

Dengan topik yang relevan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, Anda juga akan berinteraksi dalam kelompok sambil berlatih keterampilan berpikir kreatif.

Program ini adalah program selama 6 bulan, dengan 1 sesi selama 60 menit per minggu.

Writing Club:
Young Poets

Keluarkan sisi penyair dan pujangga anak dengan mengikuti program ini, bersama dengan teman-teman yang memiliki ketertarikan yang sama.

Di program ini, murid akan:

  • Menganalisa hasil karya sastra klasik dan modern
  • Berlatih menulis serta mengekspresikan ide secara verbal dan juga tulisan.

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Public Speaking:
Young Debaters

Berbicara di depan publik dengan percaya diri, serta mengekspresikan ide dengan lancar dapat dipelajari dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk:

  • Melatih kemampuan debat yang terstruktur
  • Melatih kemampuan presentasi
  • Melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis

Di akhir program ini, siswa akan mengikuti acara debat yang dapat disaksikan secara langsung.

Program ini berlangsung selama 12 minggu, 1 sesi per minggu

TOEFL for Uni Prep

Program ini didesain dengan keyakinan bahwa persiapan sebuah tes dapat dilakukan secara serius namun tetap menyenangkan dan bermakna dengan cara:

  • Mempelajari strategi dan teknik yang diperlukan dalam tes TOEFL
  • Refleksi progress melalui tes diagnostik

Program ini fokus pada pembelajar, sesuai kebutuhan pembelajar dan meliputi modul membaca, menulis, berbicara dan menyimak.

Program ini berlangsung selama 4 bulan (34 sesi)

TOEFL for Uni Prep

Program ini didesain dengan keyakinan bahwa persiapan sebuah tes dapat dilakukan secara serius namun tetap menyenangkan dan bermakna dengan cara:

  • Mempelajari strategi dan teknik yang diperlukan dalam tes IELTS
  • Refleksi progress melalui tes diagnostik

Guru native Edukita akan membantu siswa untuk melihat area perkembangan di keempat modul yaitu; membaca, menulis, berbicara dan menyimak.

Program ini berlangsung selama 4 bulan (34 sesi)

TOEFL for Adults

Program ini didesain dengan keyakinan bahwa persiapan sebuah tes dapat dilakukan secara serius namun tetap menyenangkan dan bermakna dengan cara:

  • Mempelajari strategi dan teknik yang diperlukan dalam tes TOEFL
  • Refleksi progress melalui tes diagnostik

Program ini fokus pada pembelajar, sesuai kebutuhan pembelajar dan meliputi modul membaca, menulis, berbicara dan menyimak.

Program ini berlangsung selama 4 bulan (34 sesi)

IELTS for Adults

Program ini didesain dengan keyakinan bahwa persiapan sebuah tes dapat dilakukan secara serius namun tetap menyenangkan dan bermakna dengan cara:

  • Mempelajari strategi dan teknik yang diperlukan dalam tes IELTS
  • Refleksi progress melalui tes diagnostik

Guru native Edukita akan membantu siswa untuk melihat area perkembangan di keempat modul yaitu; membaca, menulis, berbicara dan menyimak.

Program ini berlangsung selama 4 bulan (34 sesi)

Family Club:
Meaningful Saturdays

Program yang memerlukan keterlibatan orang tua dan anak, melalui aktivitas keluarga untuk meningkatkan;

  • Keterampilan berbicara
  • Menambah kosakata
  • Berlatih menggunakan kalimat terstruktur

Dibungkus dengan topik yang relevan untuk anak. Bulan ini, topik yang diangkat adalah menjaga keamanan di dunia internet.

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Arts Club:
Little Picasso

Seni berperan penting dalam perkembangan kreativitas dan imajinasi anak! Seni dapat membantu anak dalam berpikir kritis dan mendorong anak untuk mengembangkan kemampuan problem-solving mereka.

Melalui program ini, anak akan:

  • Mengeksplorasi berbagai cabang seni; seperti seni rupa, seni musik, dan drama
  • Mengembangkan kosa kata dan keterampilan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Grammar Wizard

Program ini didesain agar anak dapat berlatih grammar dengan tepat dan menyenangkan, bukan hanya dengan hafalan. Program ini juga akan mendukung pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka

Bersama dengan guru native, anak akan:

  • Terlibat dalam aktivitas interaktif sesama teman sebaya
  • Mengikuti permainan grammar untuk melatih pemahaman

Arts Club:
Junior Artist

Seni dapat sangat membantu perkembangan kreativitas dan berpikir secara imajinatif, dua keterampilan yang dapat membantu anak untuk berpikir dengan kerangka yang unik dan mengembangkan keterampilan menyelesaikan masalah.

Melalui program ini, anak akan:

  • Eksplorasi berbagai seni; seni rupa, seni musik dan drama
  • Mengembangkan kosa kata dan keterampilan berkomunikasi.

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Weekend Club:
Fun Saturdays

Program tematik dengan topik berbeda setiap bulannya, dengan integrasi berbagai bidang lain seperti sains, sejarah dan wawasan umum.

Melalui program ini, anak akan:

  • Menambah kosakata dari berbagai konteks
  • Berlatih presentasi
  • Menambah wawasan akan hal yang terjadi di dunia

Topik bulan ini adalah “And The Award Goes To..” yaitu membahas mengenai sejarah ajang penghargaan terkenal di dunia (Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards, the Grammy’s, the Oscar’s, etc)

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Film Club:
Wednesday Movie Night

Melalui ruang diskusi yang santai namun bermakna, siswa dapat:

  • Mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir secara analitis
  • Mendalami elemen sebuah film dan cerita
  • Bertukar ide dan berlatih teknik membangun opini
  • Berlatih untuk berpikir secara imajinatif dan meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara.

Yuk, ikutan ngobrol bahasa Inggris sambil membahas film-film seru!

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Senior High Club:
Career Exploration

Sudah mulai memikirkan ingin melanjutkan kuliah di mana? Atau mungkin ada keinginan untuk melanjutkan kuliah di luar negeri?

Program ini untuk kamu yang ingin mulai memikirkan mengenai karir dan mulai melihat pilihan yang ada di luar sana. Perencanaan karir di masa depan tidak harus jadi hal yang menakutkan.

Parent Club:
Family Activities

Kelas ini kami dedikasikan khusus untuk para orang tua. Kami sangat memahami tantangan untuk menemukan aktivitas yang relevan untuk anak.

Apabila Anda merasakan hal ini, maka program ini cocok untuk Anda:

  • Mengangkat topik yang berbeda setiap bulan
  • Dibalut dengan aspek untuk melatih keterampilan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
  • Menghadirkan berbagai ahli yang sesuai dengan topik bulanan
  • Berbagi tips dan aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan bersama anak

Grammar Wizard

Program ini didesain agar anak dapat berlatih grammar dengan tepat dan menyenangkan, bukan hanya dengan hafalan. Program ini juga akan mendukung pembelajaran Kurikulum Merdeka

Bersama dengan guru native, anak akan:

  • Terlibat dalam aktivitas interaktif sesama teman sebaya
  • Mengikuti permainan grammar untuk melatih pemahaman

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan, 60 menit per minggu

Reading Club:
Young Readers

Program ini didesain agar anak dapat berlatih membaca dengan tepat dan menyenangkan. Melalui cerita pendek yang berbeda di setiap pertemuan, anak akan:

  • Terlibat dalam aktivitas interaktif sesama teman sebaya
  • Membangun kecintaan akan membaca bersama dengan guru native

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan, 60 menit per minggu

Reading Club:
Book Buddies

Program ini didesain agar anak dapat mengasah keterampilan berpikir kritis melalui berbagai buku cerita. Selain berlatih membaca, anak juga akan:

  • Berlatih memahami elemen dalam cerita
  • Mengasah keterampilan membaca melalui aktivitas interaktif dengan teman sebaya

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan, 60 menit per minggu

Writing Club:
Young Writers

Program ini didesain agar anak dapat berlatih menulis dengan tepat dan menyenangkan. Dibalut dengan topik yang dekat dengan anak, program ini akan membantu anak:

  • Berlatih mengembangkan ide menjadi paragraf
  • Berlatih menggunakan kalimat terstruktur dalam menulis

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Weekend Club:
Fun Saturdays

Program tematik dengan topik berbeda setiap bulannya, dengan integrasi berbagai bidang lain seperti sains dan sejarah.

Melalui program ini, anak akan:

  • Menambah kosakata dari berbagai konteks
  • Berlatih presentasi
  • Menambah wawasan akan hal yang terjadi di dunia

Topik bulan ini adalah “Fun Favorites” yaitu membahas mengenai permainan seru di taman hiburan favorit.

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan, 60 menit per minggu

Weekend Club:
Fun Saturdays

Program tematik dengan topik berbeda setiap bulannya, dengan integrasi berbagai bidang lain seperti sains, sejarah dan wawasan umum.

Melalui program ini, anak akan:

  • Menambah kosakata dari berbagai konteks
  • Berlatih presentasi
  • Menambah wawasan akan hal yang terjadi di dunia

Topik bulan ini adalah “Amusement Park Adventures” yaitu membahas berbagai taman hiburan favorit di dunia.

Program ini adalah program bulanan, 4 sesi per bulan

Public Speaking:
Junior TED-talkers

Pernah merasa terpukau dengan orang yang dapat berbicara di depan publik secara percaya diri?

Di program untuk pemula ini, anak akan mempelajari keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi pembicara yang efektif melalui:

  • Aktivitas belajar yang menyenangkan dan interaktif
  • Mentoring secara langsung dari guru native

Pada akhir program ini, anak akan berpartisipasi di pameran presentasi yang dapat dilihat secara langsung.

Program ini berlangsung selama 12 minggu, 1 sesi per minggu